COVID-19 Update

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February 2, 2021

Taking care of the health and safety of our employees, community and tenants has been our number one priority in these recent times, and Alliance Housing WA has responded to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) with integrity and care.

Our office has been closed and employees are working from home, but we have still been able to deliver our services as normally as possible to our tenants whilst minimising all unnecessary contact. With restrictions gradually being eased in WA, this means we are able to resume some face-face to contact between staff and tenants. From June, Alliance Housing WA will be able to recommence inspections and visiting tenants in their homes, but with strict procedures in place.

Please be advised our office is still closed to the public and only urgent and necessary appointments will be scheduled at this point in time.  Please call the office on 08 9791 5438 if you require assistance.

We encourage everyone to continue their great work and keep following the guidelines of social distancing, cleaning and hygiene measures to avoid a second wave of infection.