Tenant Vacating Notice and Moving Out Information

Giving Notice

You must give us 21 days written notice of your intention to move out by completing a Tenant Vacating Notice Form and returning it to us. If you do not give 21 days notice, we will still charge you rent through this notice period.

You must:

• Remove all rubbish and unwanted items from the property.

• Leave the property in a clean condition including stoves, floors and windows.

• Steam-clean carpets to remove all marks and stains (if necessary).

• Cut the grass, edge lawns, weed and tidy gardens. You may also request to be present at the outgoing property inspection after you have left the property.

Providing a Forwarding Address

You must provide us with a forwarding address by law or you may be liable for a fine. If you don’t have a forwarding address, you can supply a contact address for a family member or friend who will be able to contact you.

Return of Your Bond

If you leave your property in a clean and tidy condition with no damages and no outstanding rent, water or tenant liability debts, all of your bond money should be returned to you.

If You Owe Us Money

If you owe money for rent, water, cleaning, damages or other tenant liability, we will complete a Joint Application for Disposal of Security Bond form asking for the amount owed. If you do not agree with the bond we request, you should not sign the form. Instead, please make an appointment with us so we can discuss the work carried out, re-check your in-going and outgoing Property Condition Reports (or any photographic evidence) and try to reach an agreement.

Going to Court

If we cannot reach an agreement about the bond with you, we will apply to Court for an Order to release it. The Court will decide how the bond is to be paid based on all the evidence both parties provide. Free legal help and advice is available if you need to go to Court. Please ask one of our Debt Recovery Officers for more information.

If You Owe More Than the Bond

If you owe more than the bond, you will need to make arrangements to pay this or we will seek a Court Order for payment and take action to recover the debt.

If you vacate your property but leave some of your possessions behind, we will follow legal processes to dispose of the items.